Kermit the Frog Endorses Obama for President

Following the lead of a long list of celebrity actors, musicians, and TV personalities that includes media mogul Oprah Winfrey and Academy Award-winning actor Robert De Niro, Kermit the Frog officially announced his endorsement of Democratic presidential candidate Barrack Obama today.

Kermit the Frog - AP File Photo

“For the most part, I feel that he is the right man for the job,” said Frog via telephone interview from his home in Malibu. “He represents the hope and the change that I think many people feel is long overdue. His strong showing in this campaign is indicative of that.”

For his part, Frog is no stranger to change, although it has not always been good. A mysterious and sudden voice change in the 1992 movie “The Muppet Christmas Carol” nearly derailed a prominent career.

However, Frog did candidly admit that a small part of his endorsement of the senator from Illinois was rooted in an ulterior motive.

“I’d be lying if I didn’t say I was excited about the prospect of a person of color breaking the ultimate glass ceiling,” said Frog, now 57. “As a person of color myself – that being green – I’d be remiss if I said it wasn’t a factor at all.”

Despite his longtime celebrity status, Frog has not been immune to the sting of racial discrimination. He once released a song entitled “It’s not Easy Being Green”, which served as a personal testament to the hardships he had suffered. At the time, it was one of the more popular and influential songs of the post-Civil Rights era.

“For the first time in my adult life, I am truly proud of my country,” admitted Frog. “To think that Mr. Obama could actually be the President of the United States, it’s just such an inspiration.”

“It makes you believe in anything. Maybe one day we could even see the first Muppet president. Although some might argue that President Bush has already beaten us to the punch on that one.”

It seems that many of Frog’s contemporaries have also jumped on the Barack bandwagon. Just last week, Rowlf the Dog put on a benefit concert for the Obama campaign that was emceed by Fozzie Bear. In addition, longtime friends Dr. Bunsen Honeydew and his assistant, Beaker, are both outspoken proponents of federal funding for stem cell research, a position which Obama has championed.

Animal - Courtesy Reuters

However, most would agree that it is Animal, the popular drummer of The Electric Mayhem Band, who has been the loudest and most boisterous supporter of Obama.

“Hope!!! Change!!! Hope!!! Change!!! Yah! Yah! Yah! Yah! Yah! Yah! Yah!” screamed Animal repeatedly when asked why he endorsed Obama’s presidency.

Contrary to his endless praise of Obama, Kermit the Frog does not hold his opponent, New York Senator Hillary Clinton, in nearly such hallowed regard.

“Maybe I’m not the best person to talk about this, because in my experience women have always bossed me around,” said Frog. “Take my ex-wife, Miss Piggy, for example. I’m sure I’ll catch hell for saying this, but I never really loved her.”

“It was obvious to everyone. But she didn’t care. The only reason I ever married that virago was because she threatened me with violence if I didn’t. She thought that because we were two of the most popular Muppets that we should naturally be together. I didn’t see it that way. To me, love is the most important thing. You can’t build a relationship based upon outward appearances.”

“I just get that same kind of vibe from Hillary. I could be wrong, but I don’t think she seems like a very nice person.”

9 Responses to Kermit the Frog Endorses Obama for President

  1. beals says:

    how do you come up with this stuff

  2. Scott says:

    I kind of figured K-Frog would go for McCain, what with the danger of an upper income Dem tax increase.

    I happen to know the Swedish Chef is a McCain man; he’s as anti-big government as you can get after his dire experiences with Scandinavian neo-socialism and trying to open his own bistro.

  3. Grubb says:

    Furst yuoo teke-a zee chuculete-a, zeen yuoo teke-a zee muoosse-a. Bork bork!!

  4. Grubb says:

    K-Frog sounds like one of Britney Spears’ backup dancers.

  5. Glick says:

    I personally think Kermit is just a puppet for Obama. Good blog. I’d say if reading was antiquated with food… then this would be some pretty good Grubb.

  6. I really liked your blog with the Albert Pujols item. I think Pujols will be an instant hall-of-famer.
    I try to follow as much MLB news as I can from Caracas, Venzuela.

  7. Grubb says:

    That’s cool man, glad you liked it. We at Grubb Hub hope to have a Cards preview post for the upcoming 2009 season where we’ll make some predictions prior to Opening Day.

  8. […] on the subject of race relations, perhaps since “The Sneetches” by Theodore Seuss Geisel or “It’s Not Easy Being Green” by Kermit the […]

  9. sriaurobindo says:

    This is complete fiction – Kermit has not endorsed anyone for any public office.

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