Local Celebrities Pick NFL Games, Nose

November 8, 2009

As the old saying goes, “You can pick your friends, but you can’t pick your family.”

Thankfully though, you can also pick NFL games. This week, we at Grubb Hub were invited along with other local St. Louis celebrities that have no doubt been on national television at one time or another to take part in the Charter Football Contest.

We thought it would be fun to put our unlimited NFL knowledge and wisdom to test. After all, we were the ones that predicted that Josh McDingleberry would run the Denver Broncos into the ground after trading Jay Cutler to the Bears for no good reason. And look how right we were there!

Actually, the jury is still out on that one. You can do all the fist-pumping you want Josh, it’s still only six wins. Save your fist-pumping for when you win something that matters.

Anyway, feel free to enter the contest yourself and join all the local celebrities at the Fox & the Hound in Chesterfield Sunday, Nov. 8, from noon to 4:00pm. Your picks might even turn out to be smarter than ours! (Not likely)

So without further hors d’oeuvres here’s Grubb Hub’s NFL Week 9 Picks:

Washington at Atlanta

For a guy that thought he could simply buy a championship, Redskins owner Daniel Snyder picked the wrong sport. Sorry Daniel, that’s Major League Baseball that hands out its titles to the highest bidder. In the NFL, you have to win with the guys you draft, and the guys you draft suck. You might also want to try not changing your coach every year. He’s not the problem. The guy that hired him is.

Falcons 27, Redskins 10

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